Friday, October 21, 2011

Autism and Medicaid

While we continue to wait (still no word from Bil's Medicaid Service Coordinator) for word on how we can best attempt to fight Medicaid's decision to no longer pay for one of Bil's medications - a medication that does a lot to improve Bil's life - I want to give a shout out to the blog Autism Policy and Politics.

I was interested in a  recent article about - Medicaid.

Bil lives in New York State.  For what it is worth, his primary care medical doctor does not take Medicaid so his mother must pay for his doctors visits out of pocket.  Fortunately his mother can do this.  One day we may have to.

It is also difficult in the part of New York State we live in for people on Medicaid to get any kind of dental care.

Private insurance?  How does someone whose sole income is SSDI, and a part time job in a sheltered workshop, pay for private insurance?

So this is the situation that Bil, and many others with developmental disabilities, find themselves in.

I was disappointed when I once again did not hear from the MSC today.  I think I will drop the MSC an email this weekend and touch base. 

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