Sunday, May 8, 2011

A Thoughtful Time

I've been silent for a little while.  There have been several reasons.

First, I have been preoccupied by a number of things.  My back going out again.  The death (expected, but still food for thought) of a friend's husband.  A writing project I've gotten involved in.  The job loss of my brother in law's wife (the brother in law who doesn't have autism that is.)

And, on Friday, my brother in law lost his job.

That wasn't totally unexpected either but....he has had so many close calls.

He and his wife both worked for a major employer in this area.  She had worked for this company (and companies before they were bought up by the present company) for some 30 years.  He had been there even longer.

This is not a good time for our economy, for many of our citizens, including our most vunerable. 

How the events affecting my brother in law and his wife will end up affecting Bil, I don't know.  When a pebble drops into a pond, the ripples spread out wide.

Only time will tell.

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